Normally, when an agent sends a message under Domino, the sender field is set to the signer of the Domino agent. There are tons of articles in the Internet about this topic, but I could not find a complete solution.
When you issue Document.send(), the „From“ field of the email message is overwritten with the agent signer. But if you use, all fields are left untouched. Here is a sample code snippet to send a message:
public void sendMessage() throws Exception { // Variables lotus.domino.Session notesSession = null; lotus.domino.Database notesDatabase = null; lotus.domino.Document notesDocument = null; lotus.domino.RichTextItem notesRTItem = null; lotus.domino.DateTime notesDateTime = null; String emailSender = ""; String emailRecipient = ""; String emailSubject = "Message from the Domino server"; String emailBodyText = "This is a sample body text"; try { notesSession = NotesFactory.createSession(); notesDatabase = notesSession.getDatabase(null, ""); if (!notesDatabase.isOpen()) throw new Exception("Unable to open the Domino router mail box"); notesDocument = notesDatabase.createDocument(); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("Form", "Memo"); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("From", emailSender); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("SMTPOriginator", emailSender); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("Sender", emailSender); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("INetFrom", emailSender); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("Principal", emailSender + '@' + notesSession.getEnvironmentString("Domain", true)); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("SendTo", emailRecipient); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("Subject", emailSubject); notesDateTime = getDominoSession().createDateTime("Today"); notesDateTime.setNow(); notesDocument.replaceItemValue("PostedDate", notesDateTime); notesRTItem = notesDocument.createRichTextItem("Body"); notesRTItem.appendText(emailBodyText);, false); } catch (NotesException e) { throw new Exception("Unable to send the message: " + e.text); } finally { try { if (notesDateTime != null) notesDateTime.recycle(); if (notesRTItem != null) notesRTItem.recycle(); if (notesDocument != null) notesDocument.recycle(); if (notesDatabase != null) notesDatabase.recycle(); if (notesSession != null) notesSession.recycle(); } catch (NotesException e) { // Ignoring any object cleanup errors } } } }